It has been a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) had declared Covid-19 as a global pandemic. The disease continues to ravage throughout different parts of the world, but vaccines have been created to combat this deadly virus. Infection rates and death rates have continued to decrease since, but there is no clear indication…
Read MoreMany same-sex couples are eager to expand their families by having children. One possible consideration for the LGBT community is surrogacy. While surrogacy is generally the same for both same-sex couples and heterosexual couples, there are some unique considerations that same-sex couples should consider before starting the surrogacy process. LGBT Surrogacy Process Surrogacy is an…
Read MoreWith the Fourth of July quickly approaching and no signs of COVID letting up it can be difficult to improvise Independence Day plans. Have no fear, Evie is here to assist with making your 2020 fourth of July one to remember! Parks and public shows will be canceled this year, but rest assured someone somewhere…
Read MoreInformation concerning how COVID-19 may affect pregnancy still raises a cloud of uncertainty. As COVID-19 was declared a national pandemic by the World Health Organization in March, there has been insufficient data on how the novel virus would affect surrogates who are nearing the end of their pregnancy term. Understandably, surrogates may have numerous questions…
Read More台湾将于2019年10月26日举行第十七届年度LGBT骄傲游行。今年游行的主题是“携手共进,让台湾变得更好”,而且今年的游行预计会比往年更加受欢迎。台湾是亚洲第一个合法化同性婚姻的国家。除游行外,在“骄傲月”中还将会举行一系列的活动。数以万计的LGBT群体将参加此次的游行。他们来自世界各地,并将与台湾人一起庆祝。 根据《台北时报》的报道,今年的游行线路将从台北市政广场开始,终点设置于总统府大楼门前。2019年5月24日,蔡英文总统在台湾同性婚姻法案签署之后,市政府开始大力支持同性恋权利运动和同性婚姻。在台湾通过同性婚姻合法化之后,LGBT群体将继续致力于同性伴侣养育子女问题的推动。因此,我们可以看到未来国际代孕产业将会在台湾崛起。 蒋佩芳律师是美国爱儿代孕服务中心的创始人。她将会带领她的团队一起参加今年的台湾同志游行。蒋律师用她的实际行动,表达对LGBT社区的钦佩与支持。蒋律师为台湾首次承认同性婚姻而鼓掌,也为自己是一名台湾人而自豪。 作为台湾裔美国人,蒋律师通过代孕生下了她的五岁儿子。她与那些希望通过辅助生殖技术获得孩子的人们紧密联系在一起并且感同身受。为此,激发了蒋律师在2017年创建美国爱尔代孕服务中心的愿望。现在,蒋律师正在帮助更多的个人及夫妇实现成为父母的梦想。 想要更详细地了解跨国代孕法,跨国代孕服务或其他家庭法事物的服务,欢迎与理想法律团队董事及爱儿代孕服务中心创始人蒋佩芳律师(Evie P. Jeang)联系。我们的邮箱是info@surrogacyconcierge.flywheelsites.com 您可以在下面的文章中详细了解有关台湾LGBT骄傲游行的细节。 Sources from: Landmark Taipei Pride Parade to be Held on Oct. 26 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2019/09/21/2003722674
Read MoreOn October 26, 2019, Taiwan is hosting its 17th Annual LGBT Pride Parade. The topic of this year’s parade is “Together, Make Taiwan Better” and it’s trending that this year’s parade will be the buzz. Taiwan is the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage. Alongside the parade, a series of other activities will be…
Read MoreSurrogacy relationships are magical and opportunity for growth for both the parents to-be and surrogate mothers. The happiness and love that grows from the surrogate relationship is important so the love can graciously pour into the baby as the baby continues to grow. The minds of both parents to be and surrogate mothers have to…
Read MoreAdventures of a single-mother continues as I travel with my son Evan to Rovinji, Croatia. Rovinji is a relaxing and and beachside city located on the west coast of Istrian Peninsula in Europe. Rovinji is heavenly and picturesque where you find great views to take great lighting pictures and walks with your little one especially…
Read MoreTraveling as a single parent may seem a bit daunting, however, is completely achievable and can be a rather enjoyable experience. Barcelona, for example, is a city full of history, modern attractions, and fortunately gelato, which makes it the perfect destination for single parents wanting to share the world with their children. During our stay,…
Read MoreIt’s the perpetual story of parents and their rebellious kids, parents valuing tradition while their children look towards the future. These opposite forces collide again and again until a winner is apparent and the other side submits.
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